Medical pandemics are a popular movie genre. Theater-goers enjoy a good fright while sitting safely in their seats viewing the chaos of an epidemic on screen. Illness can include all manner of ruin to the infected including “un-dead” symptoms. We have to admit, some of our staff enjoy a good zombie pandemic film too. We can get a bit critical about the story line though.

For instance, why do authorities always get caught off guard? They blatantly ignore the signs of trouble while hospitals fill up with patients suffering from unusual ailments. Today’s technology probably makes it harder to work believable chaos into a script. We know our employee overseas monitoring systems would quickly alert people before they became zombie fodder.
Helping travelling VIP’s avoid health emergencies is part of what we do. Zombies are all in fun, but world-wide executive and personal protection is serious. Our employee overseas monitoring systems and technology ensure traveling executives don’t get caught up in a movie-style plot twist. Each country has its own unique type of health hazards. Our experts constantly review the health landscape of any country an executive plans to visit. We’re the experts at executive travel security!
IMG GlobalSecur Employee Overseas Monitoring Offers the Antidote for Safe Travel
One virus known to cause havoc for humanity is influenza. Remember SARS or Avian flu? New flu strains are life-threatening public health hazards. An outbreak occurs when a new sub-type of virus arises. Immunity hasn’t been built up and it can quickly spread through cities. An epidemic is described as a health hazard affecting an unusually large population in one location. If a new strain of Avian flu gains steam while an executive is already in Taiwan meeting colleges, FoneTrac’s threat-monitoring app will send an alert. When a VIP’s hotel is dangerously close to a local health emergency, IMG GlobalSecur’s experts will quickly provide directions to a safer area.
While an epidemic spreads through one country, a pandemic takes that problem world-wide. With today’s easy country-hopping airplane travel, a frequent flyer is vulnerable to the random sneeze from infected passengers. Our employee overseas monitoring systems stay ahead of the spread. The IMG GlobalSecur team regularly reviews health hazards in each country. If flying with the general public isn’t safe, IMG GlobalSecur offers safe aviation solutions. IMG GlobalSecur also includes pre-trip reports and employee medical evacuation assistance plans before travel takes place. There should never be a moment when HR has an overseas executive caught off guard. Employee overseas monitoring systems can blanket a country and ensure a safe business trip. And if a VIP arrives back at the office appearing somewhat zombie-like? Blame it on the jet lag.
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